Effective Friday, August 19 at 12:00 pm, a fire ban is authorized for the Town of Cochrane.
The decision to implement a fire ban has been made based on the current and anticipated weather conditions.
During a fire ban, no campfires, burning of wood or charcoal briquettes are allowed. Residents can continue to use gas or propane stoves/BBQs and portable propane fire pits.
A fire ban represents extreme fire danger. Hot and dry conditions continue in the Cochrane area with no recent precipitation recorded at the local weather stations. If a wildfire ignites in these conditions, it has the potential to spread very quickly and exhibit extreme fire behaviour.
The fire ban will be in effect until the Fire Chief’s office deems appropriate to change for the purposes of Fire Bylaw 03/2014.
For further information, please visit Cochrane.ca/fireban or https://www.albertafirebans.ca/.