To commemorate World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (June 15th), Mayor Jeff Genung, Councillor Susan Flowers and members of the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) committee were onsite of Cochrane’s FCSS building, to plant a lilac bush as done in previous years at Bethany Cochrane, Cochrane Cenotaph Park, Cochrane Public Library and Frank Wills Memorial Hall.
“The Town of Cochrane along with communities throughout the world, acknowledge June 15 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and offers its support for older adults, their safety, their happiness and well-being. We all deserve to lead happy and healthy lives free from abuse. By working together, we can build better community supports and services for older adults to create meaningful and lasting local changes.”
said Mayor Jeff Genung.
Members of the WEAAD committee work with a variety of agencies in the Cochrane area to provide information, resources and support for older adults and others. They want to acknowledge the support of ‘Branched Out Nursery’ for supporting this event with a lilac bush and ‘Monumental Stone Works’ for their donation of stone and plaque mounting service for the event.