The Cochrane Coffee Chat – May 4, 2020 – “Great, we’re open… now what?” with special guest Robynn from Pivotal Coaching and Consulting.

(Video starts a few minutes in…)

> Robynn is a local Cochranite business coach, author and synergista who is driven to support dreamers, innovators, trail-blazers and rebels!

For more information about Alberta’s Relaunch Strategy, visit:

WEDNESDAY is International Coaching Day and Robynn is offering free consults! To book her directly, you can message her through the Pivotal Facebook page OR,
– email:

Grab a copy of Robynn’s book “Being a Better Human Being at Work & Home” from her directly, or on Amazon:…/…/0228822734

Thank you for tuning in! Feel free to leave questions for Robynn in the comments right here, or to share this conversation with your friends!

x Sam