The first ever event for a new education advocacy group will happen in
Cochrane this week, as the Alberta Parents’ Union launches their 23-stop,
province-wide education tour.
The Alberta Parents’ Union is an organization of Alberta parents advocating for
the best possible education for all Alberta students – whether that be public,
separate, francophone, alternative, charter, independent, or home education.
Unlike other types of unions, the Alberta Parents’ Union is a completely
voluntary organization, with no compulsory membership or membership dues.
The APU’s education tour is designed to provide an opportunity for parents
across Alberta to get together to discuss the challenges faced in education in
recent years, the issues affecting their children and their schools today, and the
many opportunities for advancing education in Alberta in the future.

The information and feedback from parents and supporters at the events will
also help to inform the work of the Alberta Parents’ Union in the coming months.
The first event will take place at the Lions Club Event Centre in Cochrane on
Thursday, May 19th.
Everyone is welcome – parents, grandparents, teachers, or simply taxpayers
with an interest in Alberta’s education system.
Where: Lions Club Event Centre, 109 Fifth Ave, Cochrane, AB T4C 0A4
When: Thursday, May 19th from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
For more information or inquiries about the Alberta Parents’ Union, please
Kristy Koehler