Adult Co-ed Drop In Dodgeball

Adult (18+) co-ed drop in dodgeball nights are starting up again at the SLS Centre on Saturdays, 6:30-8:00pm. We play casual and for fun! This is a great way to […]
Beatlemania Spring Fling!

Are you ready for a blast from the past?! Join us for an event that transcends time and celebrates the swinging 60s and funky 70s. Picture this: bell-bottoms, crushed velvet, […]
Women’s Indoor Soccer “Try It” Night

Women’s Recreational Indoor Soccer begins in a couple weeks! Thinking about joining for the winter season? COME TRY IT OUT FOR FREE. You just need running shoes, shin pads, and […]
Cochrane, Alberta’s Halloween Weekend Events Round-Up – Oct. 25/19
Yikes >>> I’ve been so busy planning Halloween events that I forgot to organize a costume! Dress up ideas welcome! A few things, 1/ I dropped the ball on the […]