‘Return to the Falls’ by local filmmaker shares the inspiring story of residential school survivor, Elder Betty Ross

“Return to the Falls” shares the inspiring story of Elder Betty Ross, a residential school survivor who credits her father’s Sacred Teachings for her survival. This film explores the legacy of residential schools and the journey towards reconciliation.

On March 20th at 7pm, the Cochrane Movie House will be showing “Return to the Falls”, with an opportunity to  engage in meaningful dialogue and reflection with a member of the cast (and of the Stoney Nakoda Nation), following the movie.

Local Cochrane film-maker Eppo Eerkes hopes to shed light on the topic of residential schools, with a goal of integrating the film and Teachers Guide into schools across Rockyview School District and Alberta, to further foster relationships and protocol between students, teachers, and Nation Elders and Survivors. 

GRAB YOUR TICKETS here + WATCH the official “Return to the Falls” trailer below.

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Samantha Nickerson