Title: Valentine Resin Casting – Pocket Hugs
Type of Course: Mini Workshop
Dates: Jan 26th, 2024
Running Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Audience: All Levels (ages 6+ to Adult welcome)
Course Description: Create a Pocket Hug just in time for Valentine’s Day! This fast and fun mini workshop is perfect for families or date night! Dalis Hofer will guide students through the basics of Resin Casting and students will each create their very own sparkling Pocket Hug to keep or give to the special someone in their life!
Bring your own items to place inside your pocket hug for a more personal touch, or pick from countless items that our instructor provides.
What Students will Learn:
Basic resin pouring techniques
Information on tools and molds that can be used for resin casting
The types of objects that work best to suspend in resin
An overview of the sanding and finishing process
The instructor will be sanding them and top coating them. Jan 29th for pick up.
Student Supplies:
Notebook and pen
Water bottle
Students may bring optional items to add to their project, no larger than 1” long ½” thick. Flowers must be dried in silica gel for one week minimum. (Instructor will be providing add ins too)
Clothing appropriate for creating messy artwork