*Final Touch Art Studio provided the art materials for our Paint Night experience.

An Evening with Final Touch Art Studios in Cochrane

WE ARE ALL ARTISTS | @finaltouchart

I recently put paint to canvas at a #PaintNight by Final Touch Art Studios in Cochrane.

The last time I “painted” I was contributing to the Cochrane and Area Event Society ‘Mosaic Mural’ by The Station… so needless to say, I do not paint often as that was a few years ago.

The crew at Final Touch Art Studios were so helpful, especially to a room full of newbies like myself. We worked through our painting project step-by-step over a few hours (this was an oil paint class).

It was definitely an enjoyable way to shake off the week and to learn something new + meet new people, so if you’re new to town or looking for a creative & relaxing night out, I’d encourage you to give a Paint Night a try.


Sign up for “Golden Forest” on March 14th at Final Touch Art Studio – full details are on UrbanCasual.ca

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Samantha Nickerson