This morning a Facebook memory popped up, reminding me of something I had written years ago. Some days I’m a poet >>> most days, I just like chips.

How about you?

What are your favourite flavour/kind of chips?

Ode to Ketchup Chips

Ketchup Chips, how do I love thee?

Let me count the ways…
I love how your vinegary overtones,
Cut the smooth sweetness,
Setting up the expected saltiness,
For glorious potato chip delight!

I love how you stain my fingers a radiant red,
and that licking them off,
one by one,
is the only way to clean hands.

I am not so in love with ketchup, but ah, as chips, I LOVE.

Wishing I could only make, each bag last forever, but alas, Frito-Lays slogan, Betcha can’t eat just one!”, has me chipless, once again.

-December 15, 2009